New Feature: 24/7 Live Chat Assistance from the App

New Feature: 24/7 Live Chat Assistance from the App

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NonaJul 1, 2024

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Nanovest released the Live Chat feature for easy user access, ready to help and answer questions from #Nanosquad anytime, 24/7. Ease of user access is our priority. Now you can Live Chat 24/7! We're ready to answer questions and be there to help #Nanosquad, and we welcome feedback anytime, anywhere. #Nanosquad can live chat with our CS team only through the application anytime you need help. It's easy. Check on your Nanovest application now!

1. Click on your Profile/Avatar

2.  Click on Help

3. Click the chat bubble in the lower right corner for Live Chat with our agents. Convey your question like writing a chat with your bestie. Our agents are ready to answer #Nanosquad questions whenever you need them!

Nanovest News v3.16.0